Getting Started

We always get the question "What do I need for my riding lessons?", so we put a list together for you that you can find below. 

We will give you all the needed information to you gear for the different disciplines we offer here at Pony Gang Equestrian Services in Camden. 

Hunter/Jumper / English Riding


At Pony Gang Farm, all English riding students must wear SEI-approved helmets, provided by Pony Gang Equestrian Services for initial lessons. After the first month, we require students to purchase their own helmets to guarantee optimal safety throughout their riding journey.


Riding gloves are not required, but they provide grip for the reins and in the winter time also will keep your hands warm. 

Please don't use regular mittens or other gloves, because they do not provide the needed grip and will not be allowed during lessons. 


Riders must wear form-fitting shirts tucked into their riding pants. Baggy or overly long shirts are not allowed to ensure safety and a proper fit during riding sessions.






Riders must wear a belt to secure their riding pants, preventing slippage and ensuring proper posture and balance in the saddle. A belt also helps avoid discomfort and chafing from loose fabric, keeping pants comfortably in place for a safer, more enjoyable ride.


Students are required to wear long pants such as breeches or riding tights that fully cover their legs during riding sessions. Baggy pants or workout material pants are not permitted to ensure safety and comfort.




For try-out and new students, any closed shoes with a one-inch heel are suitable for riding. Regular attendees must acquire paddock boots for English/Hunter. Those 13 or older may opt for English tall riding boots instead, aligning with our program's requirements.

Western Riding


At Pony Gang Farm, all Western riding students must wear SEI-approved helmets. Pony Gang Equestrian Services offers helmets for initial lessons. After the first month, students are encouraged to buy their helmets for optimal safety.


Jeans for riding should fit over boots, with extra length to stack over them; skinny jeans tucked into boots are unsuitable. Being on horseback shortens pant legs, so overlong jeans off the horse ensure a proper look while riding, avoiding a mismatched appearance due to lack of "stack."


Western riders are required to wear a belt, securing their pants to prevent slippage and maintain posture and balance. This ensures comfort, reduces chafing, and keeps pants in place for a safer, enjoyable experience in the saddle.



Western riders are required to wear snug shirts tucked into their pants. Loose or long shirts are prohibited to maintain safety and ensure a correct fit while riding.


For western riding try-outs and newcomers, any closed shoe with a one-inch heel suffices. Regular western riders should invest in appropriate western boots instead of paddock boots, adhering to the specific needs of western riding disciplines.

Correct fit of Western pants:

Why is a correct riding attire important?

Correct riding attire is important for several reasons, including safety, comfort, and functionality. Here are some key reasons why wearing the right attire is crucial when horseback riding:


1. Safety:

Protective Gear: Proper riding attire includes safety gear like a riding helmet. Helmets are designed to protect your head in case of a fall or impact, reducing the risk of serious head injuries.

Riding Boots: Riding boots with a defined heel help prevent your foot from slipping through the stirrup, reducing the chance of getting stuck in case of a fall.


2. Comfort:

Support and Padding: Riding attire is designed to provide comfort during long hours in the saddle. Breeches or riding pants often have reinforced knee patches or full seats for grip and added comfort.

Moisture-Wicking Fabrics: Many riding shirts and base layers are made from moisture-wicking materials that help keep you dry and comfortable, especially during warm weather or when you're sweating.


3. Functionality:

Gripping and Control: Riding attire, such as gloves, can improve your grip on the reins, enhancing your control over the horse.

Freedom of Movement: Riding-specific clothing is designed to allow for a full range of motion in the saddle, ensuring you can ride effectively and comfortably.


4. Tradition and Etiquette:

Dress Code: In some equestrian disciplines, there are specific dress codes or attire traditions that riders are expected to follow when competing. Adhering to these guidelines is a sign of respect for the sport and its history.


5. Protection:

Protection from the Elements: Depending on the weather and riding conditions, correct attire may include additional layers, such as a jacket, to protect you from rain, wind, or cold temperatures.

Protection from Chafing: Riding attire is designed to minimize friction and chafing, ensuring you don't develop discomfort or sores from extended riding.


6. Professionalism: When riding in a professional or competitive setting, appropriate attire contributes to a polished and put-together appearance, which can make a positive impression on judges, trainers, and peers.


7. Horse Comfort: Certain attire items, like smooth-seamed breeches or riding boots, can help prevent irritation or discomfort for the horse when it comes into contact with the rider's legs or seat.


8. Cultural Significance: In some equestrian traditions and cultures, wearing correct attire is a mark of respect for the sport's history and traditions.

In summary, wearing the correct riding attire is essential for safety, comfort, functionality, and adhering to traditions within the equestrian world. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced rider, investing in proper riding attire is a fundamental aspect of responsible horsemanship and contributes to a safer and more enjoyable riding experience.